A CAA membership will provide you with the confidence you seek during your family road trips and camping activities this summer and gives you uninterrupted freedom to explore. Some of the key benefits include. Access your Membership, right at your fingertips. With the CAA Mobile app, we are only a click away. Whether you have a flat tire, have run out of gas, get locked out of your car or if you need a tow or a battery boost, CAA is there to help.

Presenting a comprehensive guide about everything you need to know about summer camping in the great province of Saskatchewan. Download today and get your hands on detailed camping insights through 7 informative chapters.

Shell More. Save More.
Your CAA membership will effectively pay for itself because of the savings you'll earn from fuel purchases at Shell, only at participating locations, conditions apply.
Here’s how:
One full tank each week: 80L
Fuel Savings: 3¢/L
Weeks per year: 52
Total Annual savings: $124.80 /year!
Ready to hit the road? Don't leave without us!
A CAA Membership fits your lifestyle and travels with you and not your vehicle. It goes hand in hand with a trouble-free road trip, which means you’re covered irrespective of being the driver or the passenger.
CAA Membership Plans

Checklist To-Go
- Road Trip Preparation Checklist Download Now
- Camping Essentials Checklist Download Now
- Camping Scavenger Hunt Download Now
- Road Trip Kids Bingo Download Now
Never worry about when your membership expires or finding the time to make a payment. Join CAA on automatic renewal (annual or monthly) and our $20 manual renewal processing fee will be waived.
For commuting short distances
$ 8.75 / month
$105 Annually
Roadside Assistance Calls
To the nearest contractor or up to 5 km
CAA Rewards
Save up to 30%
CAA Travel
Exclusive Member Savings
CAA Insurance
Save up to 10%
For commuters and road trippers
$ 13.42 / month
$161 Annually
Roadside Assistance Calls
To the nearest contractor or up to 160 km
Gas Delivery
Receive fuel free of charge*
CAA Rewards
Save up to 30%
CAA Travel
Exclusive Member Savings
CAA Insurance
Save up to 10%
For maximum benefits and coverage
$ 17.17 / month
$206 Annually
Roadside Assistance Calls
Up to 160 km plus one tow up to 320 km*
Gas Delivery
Receive fuel free of charge*
Dedicated Toll Free Number
CAA Rewards
Save up to 30%
CAA Travel
Exclusive Member Savings
CAA Insurance
Save up to 10%
Add RV coverage for $31 (Plus or Premier Memberships)
The membership price does not include tax. A Manual Renewal Processing Fee of $20 will be waived on automatic renewal payment option.
Coverage with indicated dollar amounts and numbers, are available as an annual limit per membership year.
See membership handbook page 9 and 21 for more details.
Service is restricted to single dwelling entrances listed as the home address on the membership file and does not include main security doors.
A sufficient supply of fuel will be delivered to your disabled vehicle to enable you to reach the nearest open service station or cardlock facility or your vehicle will be towed to a facility where fuel is available. The cost of the fuel will be at the Member's expense and based on current pump prices at the time of delivery. (CAA Plus and Premier Members receive a sufficient amount of fuel free of charge.)
Towing will be restricted to 5 km during a 7-day waiting period for all new plus & premier memberships*